Hey, Who Puked on My Veggies?

I went up to the garden this morning and found what I thought was an obvious indiscretion on the part of one of the restaurant patrons from last night.  The Noble Rot is a wine bar, and booze is served as well, so it’s totally possible that some rooftop visitors may have had more alcohol than […]

What’s in Your Drawers?

At home if I open up my drawers I find: socks, underwear, t-shirts, sweaters, running shorts, sweats. A drawer in the blogger’s bed room filled with handkerchiefs and knick-knacks On the rooftop there are drawers, too, but when I pull open a drawer at the Noble Rot, there’s only one thing within: King Stropharia mushrooms (Stropharia […]

From Our Successes We Learn…So Little

Everybody wants a pat on the back, a round of applause or just the simple inner acknowledgement of succeeding, but beyond the momentary glow, success often leaves the mind, at least my mind, very little to feast on afterwards.  I sometimes experience a disquieting sense of vague puzzlement about what led to the success, and despite […]