We Like Our Cilantro Four Ways!

It’s that wild and whacky time of the year in the garden when certain characters, like the cilantro I’m profiling here, are not just doing double duty, not just a triumvirate of power in the garden, but a veritable quadrilateral of usefulness to us on the rooftop and down below in the kitchen.First let’s start […]

Preparing for a King and a Kingdom with Straw

Many of you may be thinking that I’ve gone bonkers and am having Baby-Jesus-in-the-manger hallucinations in the mid-summer’s heat.  No such thing.  Today we hauled up ten bales of straw to the rooftop to prepare for the Rot’s new regal inhabitant Stropharia rugosoannulata, the King Stropharia mushroom.  Straw bales await their ascent through the […]