Feeding Time at the Zoo…or Herbarium, as the Case May Be

  Here’s the feeding trough, so to speak, on the rooftop garden, alternatively called fertilizer alley.  I keep six galvanized garbage cans stocked with the following goodies: fish bone meal (phosphorus), feather meal (nitrogen), greensand (potassium), basalt rock dust, azomite, and kelp meal (minor and trace minerals).  In spring I mix up a “how-do-you-do” combo […]

Plan Your Work, Then Work Your Plan

March is here, the weather is getting milder, and for all early comers the garden is waiting and ready.  Being out in the garden transplanting or seeding at this time of year can feel positively giddy and can lead to the peculiar excess of overplanting.  Here’s how it works for me.  Winter’s grip is relaxing, […]